So I finally was able to get my roses planted this weekend. I put them against the fence line that I was planning. My honey was kind enough to help me out. I was going to border them with rocks but he suggested that he could build me a bed. And that is precisely what he did. And I LOVE it! So here are the before, in between and after pictures. :)
Then while he worked on that I got my little herb garden ready. I decided I needed to create a little walk way so I can pick my herbs from the middle and back without stepping on everything.
Oh and while we were pulling up roots and cutting down trees my honey found this disgusting thing. *gag* This thing was 4 inches long and probably an inch thick. *gag* lol He grew up collecting yucky/weird insects in a jar of alcohol so we have one at my house, and I get this lovely creature in it.
There is so much work left to do on the yard and now because of my muscles I'm wondering HOW much I'll be able to get done. Hmmmm, I think I'll get in the hot tub tonight. :)